Cheetah Conservation in SA: Growth in Populations Inspires Hope

There are fewer than 7,100 adult cheetahs left in the wild, and their numbers keep decreasing. In fact, this cat has vanished from 90% of its range in Africa. But there has been significant population growth in South Africa, home to 18 percent of the world’s remaining cheetahs. The Endangered Wildlife Trust’s cheetah conservation project played a big role in this triumph. The project has almost doubled cheetah numbers in less than a decade.

In this article, we investigate this success story and consider some of the complexities of cheetah conservation.

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Hope for Pangolin Conservation: Rare Species Returns to Zululand

The African Pangolin Working Group (APWG) returned a young female pangolin to the wild in KwaZulu-Natal recently. “The Temminck’s pangolin has not roamed Zululand for nearly 70 years so this is a historic moment for us and an incredible project of proactive conservation of an extremely endangered species,” said Frances Hannah, project coordinator at the Zululand Conservation Trust. The trust has given high priority to pangolin conservation, allocating funds to protect, rehabilitate and monitor these amazing animals.

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New Concerns as Studies Reveal that Climate Change can Hurt Elephant Conservation

Botswana’s elephants made headline news across the world recently when hundreds died mysteriously. The first carcasses were spotted in the Okavango Delta in March. By the end of June, 330 had died. In this article, we discover the cause of the mystifying deaths and what it means for the future of elephant conservation in Africa.

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